According to PeckShield monitoring, the market fell rapidly in a short time, the address 0x901b... 0c30 has been liquidated 3.64 WBTC (worth about $219,000), the address 0x669e... 2485 has been liquidated 67.14 WETH (worth about $221,400)
据PeckShield监测,行情短时快速下跌,地址0x901b...0c30已被清算3.64枚WBTC(价值约21.9万美元) ,地址0x669e...2485已被清算67.14枚WETH(价值约22.14万美元)
According to PeckShield, addresses 0x901b... 0c30 have been liquidated for 3.64 WBTC (worth about $2.1904 million).
According to PeckShield, when ETH fell below $3,600, addresses 0x901b... 0c30 had been liquidated for approximately 138.1 WETH (worth approximately $506,000).